This portfolio begins with pictures of black schools in Alabama. They speak for themselves. The second section covers Freedom Schools organized by Mississippi COFO during the summer of 1964 that were staffed mostly by young Ivy League volunteer teachers. The teacher/student interactions changed the lives of everyone, and were among the most important accomplishments of that summer. Section three pictures the Child Development Group of Mississippi (CDGM), the first and largest Headstart program in the US. With a budget of $1M, CDGM not only established local Headstart schools for 5,000 children throughout Mississippi, but gave power to local back communities by providing them with funds and encouraging them to organize and conduct their own schools. CDGM was so successful that Mississippi Senator John Stennis, who was Chairman of the Senate Armed Forces Committee threatened to hold up funding for the Vietnam War unless President Lyndon Johnson killed CDGM. He was unsuccessful.